Portsmouth Triathletes Notice of Annual General Meeting

Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting (AGM) for the Portsmouth Triathletes club will be held on Friday 22nd November 2024 at 18.30 hours The meeting will be held at The Queens Hotel, Southsea



The meeting is convened for the following purposes: 1. To receive the reports of the Management Committee Officers and Members and the accounts for the year ended September 2023. 2. To elect or re-appoint to the following Officer positions of the club and committee members

Officers of the club Chairman Vice-Chairman Secretary Treasurer Welfare/Safeguarding Officer Committee members Membership Secretary Triathlon Development Co-ordinator Communications Co-ordinator Coaching and Training Co-ordinator Social Secretary Events Manager

The quorum for AGM’s is ten per cent of adult members. Members who are unable to attend the AGM can notify the Secretary within 7 days of the AGM and nominate a proxy vote. One member can have a maximum of 5 proxy votes. Proxy votes will count towards the quorum of ten percent. Any member using a proxy vote who then chooses to join the meeting, cannot vote again.

The election of Officers and Committee members will take place at the AGM. Only existing members (over 18 years) have the right to vote at the AGM. Current members of the club may make nominations for the Committee posts to be elected at the AGM. This must be done by sending the nominees name, the post for which they are nominated and the names of both the proposer and seconder to the Club Secretary

Please do not nominate people to Committee posts without their express agreement. This should be received ideally no later than Wednesday 20th November 2024; nominations are welcome for all positions.

If you have any other business that you feel is relevant to the AGM, then please note that this should be submitted for consideration to the Secretary, by e-mail, at least three days before the meeting.

Dated 20 October 2024 Secretary Portsmouth Triathletes

Portsmouth Triathletes 2024 committee member nominations as of 20 October 2024.

Position Standing

Chairman Carla Higgins

Vice Chair Arran Deakin


Membership Lew Marsh

Treasurer David Sharp

Newsletter Kevin McTaggart

Welfare Kevin McTaggart

Communications Sam Wheeler

Training Kirsy Kennedy

Social Secretary

Tri development Tim Adams


Nominations remain open for ALL roles