Goodwood Duathlon 2022
Race day information
Portsmouth Triathletes welcomes you to the Spring Duathlon at Goodwood 2022.
All information regarding race day, including rules, regulations and timings are detailed below. further emails will follow with regards to number and chip collection over the coming weeks.
Welcome, Portsmouth Triathletes would like to thank all competitors and supporters for being part of return to celebrating the sports of cycling and running.
Race Rules & Regulations: For more details visit BTF website BTF Rules & updates. As such all BTF Members are reminded to bring along their Membership card/number. Should any competitor not hold a BTF membership, day licences will be available to purchase on the day if you have not already pre purchased. Event specific rules and safety regulations are highlighted below.
Event Schedule Date: Sunday 27th March 2022
Time: Registration opens at 7:30am
- TriStar starts at 8:30am
- Long Course starts at 10:30am
- Short Course starts at 10:40am
Location: Goodwood Motor Circuit, Chichester PO18 0PX. It is well signposted from the A27 just east of Chichester. Follow the Race Circuit or Aerodrome signs.
Car Parking: Parking will be signposted just inside the entrance to the circuit. Proceed via the underpass and park a short walk from the transition area situated in the Pit Lane.
Registration: Registration will open at 7:30am next to the Pit area/transition. Competitors must present a valid race licence or BTF membership card (day licences available) before being issued with a race pack containing a timing chip, 1 race numbers, bike sticker, safety pins. Race belts are permitted. You will need to match your numbers to enter and leave transition with your bike and equipment. You must return your chip at the finish line. Any missing chips will be charged for.
Transition: You will need to show a race number to gain access and to leave transition with your bike, all race numbers must be attached appropriately and match. Bikes and helmets will be checked by the officials on entering transition for safety reasons. Helmets are to be worn and fastened, bikes must be roadworthy; handlebars plugged and a brake on each wheel. Bike Fixers will be on hand for any last-minute technical problems. There is limited bag/equipment space within the Pit Lane/transition area so please keep it to a minimum. A bag drop will be available.
SAFETY: No riding in transition. Follow the instructions of the Technical Official/marshals. Once the race starts no bike is to be removed from racking until helmet is fastened and on return from bike, rack the bike BEFORE taking helmet off. Respect other competitors and be aware of those around you always.
Bag Drop: A small bag drop area will be available for bags to be deposited. Please ensure you state your intention to use the bag drop at registration and you will be issued with a bag tag. Your race number and bag tag must match when depositing and collecting your bags.
Water station: The water station will be positioned just after the pit lane/transition and will be available for the run course only.
Litter: Portsmouth Triathletes and Goodwood Motor Circuit strongly encourage you not to drop any litter whatsoever on site, please use bins provided. On the course, please ensure that if you need to drop any rubbish it is at the designated litter areas near the water station ONLY. DO NOT drop energy gel/bar wrappers, fruit skins or bottles around the track. Intentional or careless littering will result in a disqualification (DQ).
Toilets: Situated in toilet blocks close to each end of the Pit area. Unfortunately, there are no showers available on site.
First Aid: Local medical services will provide first aid throughout the event with the First Aid Post near to the transition area.
Course & Competitor Safety: Please do not enter the Goodwood Aerodrome site, competitors are always to remain on the tarmac. The inside metre of the track is reserved for runners only and cyclists must keep clear of runners throughout the race. The use of headphones is not permitted throughout the race or in transition area. Should a competitor wish to withdraw from the race at any time they are to proceed to the transition area and request to see the Race Director/Technical Official to ensure you are accounted for safely and return your timing chip.
Timing and results: Chip timing will be provided and managed by Race Timing Solutions. Results will be available live at the finish line and online on completion of the race.
Tri-Star's Duathlon TriStar events will take place on the track from 8.30am until 9.45am.
Please do not go onto the circuit before 10.10am or until the Race Director/Technical Official allows access.
All Tri-Star's events will be separated from the adult long and short events with transition placed just outside the Pit Lane and will be clearly sign posted.
Please note the order of start times is not by order of age groups and will be as per the timings below (this is to reduce the congestion within transition and provides enough separation between age groups).
Tri-Star's Start: Single race taking place at 08.30am with 400m run, 1.5k bike out and back loop designated by cones and marshals on the tarmac track and final 200m run.
Tri-Star's 2: Start after Tri-Star's Start bike commencing at 08.40am with 1.6k run, 6k bike and final 600m run.
Tri-Star's 1: Start after Tri-Star's 2 commencing at 09.10am with 1.2k run, followed by 4k bike, and final 400m run.
Tri-Star's 3: Final Tri-Star?s to commence at 09.30am with 2k run, 8k bike and 800m run.
Adult Duathlon Run 1: Long Course starts 10.30am / Short Course starts 10.40am (both 3.8km - 1 lap) Runners start by heading clockwise one complete lap. Runners must always keep to the right. The inside metre of track is reserved for runners. The transition area is in the pit lane. Runners entering transition area on completion of the lap need to avoid competitors leaving transition with bikes.
Bike: Long Course: 38km - 10 laps / Short Course: 22.8km - 6 laps. You must count your own laps. No riding/mounting bike in the transition area. You must put helmet on and fasten it before removing your bike from the rack. Marshals will indicate the mount/dismount lines that will be a few metres outside of the Pit Lane.
CAUTION: people move at speed through the centre of transition. Do not pull out in front of fast-moving athletes. The bike route is NON-DRAFTING - this is for YOUR SAFETY. Marshals may report any infringements to Technical Official. Cyclists must maintain a straight line and not impede other competitors. Be aware of people overtaking. If you puncture or have mechanical problems and wish to retire, DO NOT shortcut across the circuit or grass. Remain in situ and await the assistance van (if it is available) or proceed by the outer edge of the tarmac circuit in a clockwise direction back to the transition area. There will be a 10-metre warning to reduce your speed to the dismount line which will be clearly marked and marshals in place. You must dismount at the dismount line then walk with bike to the entrance of transition and replace your bike on the rack before unfastening or removing your helmet.
Run 2: Long Course: 7.6km - 2 laps / Short Course: 3.8km - 1 lap. You must count your own laps. Continue through the transition area and follow the circuit in the same direction (clockwise). After first lap (long course) continue running alongside the coned area outside of the transition wall to complete second lap. On final/finish lap continue running on the track to pass transition area then turn right towards the finisher arch located at the back of the grandstand.
Spectators: For the safety of all personnel please advise your spectators/ spec athletes not to enter the transition area, aerodrome site or the racetrack at any time during the event. If intending to cross to the other side of the track, please use the underpasses only.
Weather: Competitors and spectators are advised to dress appropriately. Goodwood can be changeable and is known to have varying conditions at previous races. The use of disc wheels will be permitted at Technical Official's discretion and will be prohibited should the wind increase to force 4/5.
Prizes: All finishers will receive a Bespoke Medal, and Goodies to take away. Prizes and trophies will be given to 1st, 2nd, 3rd (Male and Female) in both Short and Long Course overall classification. Certificates will be given to Age Group winners (Male, Female) in Short, Long Course and Tri-Star's. This year these will be posted out to you after the event so we can get your names on them as a more personal touch.
Terms and conditions Full terms and conditions can be found at your Primo profile; however, you are reminded that your entry fee is non-refundable for your own safety all competitor details are to be correct on the day of racing. If you wish to transfer your entry to another competitor, you must contact the Race Director in advance.